Say goodbye to endless email threads and spreadsheets. Track the hiring and application process through our simple platform.
Find the perfect fit from a diverse pool of skilled workers, pre-screened for your requirements.
Our unique combination of vetted licensed experts & platform technology makes immigration easy
Set your team up for success and create life-changing opportunities for professionals seeking the Canadian dream.
Manage your data and view all of your applications in one place, from your desktop or mobile phone. Our platform combines automation with personal service so you know your applications are completed correctly, in record speed.
From LMIA applications and recruitment to your new staff's arrival, our services make the entire process a breeze. Immigrate can also complete work permits and other applications for workers, preventing delays in their journey.
Immigrate partners with over 40 recruitment agencies around the globe, so you can select from hundreds of candidates in a variety of countries.
Immigrate Success Rate on LMIA Applications
Hours Saved per Application with Immigration
of Applications Successfully Processed
Verify Status with the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants
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